Following my comp MB dying, my graphic card (8800GTS) decided to die as well. It died at the right time also... 1mth after the 2yrs warranty ended (nice timing)... without warranty it became a very expensive piece of paper weight (cost me S$425, 2yrs ago). Bought a cheapo ATI 4350 for $58 to tide me over until I got cash to get a decent graphic card.
Jumping into DE
I always like armies that can move very fast, have bits of everything -shooting/assault and I prefer very offensive armies. Single out Dark eldar/eldar/nids.
Wanted to go with eldar at 1st but after calculating the $$$ cost, it was even more expensive than expanding my current ork army. Nids was slighty less expensive as compared to eldar but been assault orientated I drop nids as well. DE fulfil all the requirements and I decided to jump into DE.
Bought 2 DE battleforce, a talos, 3 blisters of incubi, and traded 4 succubus/wyches.
Need 2 more boxes of ravagers , a raider and box of de corsairs for wyches conversion. I could field a 1.5k+ army.
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