Deployment: Spearhead
Grand strategy: counter atk on 10SS (forgotten about it during the game)
Highlights and thoughts of Game
-GM orbital strike missed most of the time, was on target twice, killing some tactical marines and panic them off table. GM also beat off a weaken DOA assault marines + priest.
-Stern lead by example and took some power weps wounds and survived using strands of fate.
-Purifiers were freaking amazing, blowing transports left and right with mass psycannons and slaughter marines that came out. Whole game they were just shooting psycannons and storm bolters.
-Bad placement and forgetting vindicare can infiltrate... assassin spend most of the time getting into position to shoot stuffs. Assassin was flamed to death by DS BA terminators.
-Terminators were nuts!, with halberds even getting charged by 10 Death coy they won combat and eventually wiped out the death coy.
-Strike Squads were not bad, I'm still not really sure what to use them for... They were deadly in close combat (force weps) and could hold their own against BA assault marines with priest charge and still win, but need support if combat drag on as their numbers dwindle. Their warp quake also discourage and damage deepstrikers which can surprise you from places least expected.
-psyfle dreadnought was average in this game, as most transports was gone, shooting at terminators and marines not really effective.
-Nemesis DK deepstrike into the BA lines in turn 2 (forgetting I have psychic communion), attracted tons of firepower and promptly dead before the rest of my army can reach the BA line. Feel that DK should be given shooty weapons and be a defensive firing platform.
GK won 8:6 KP. (Game end on turn 5)
I think dice rolls won me this game. I was rolling sixes left and right, been awhile since I see such good rolls. I think Beardy One also made mistakes of charging things he shouldn't charged like my terminators, GM, full strength SS. Future games against him would be tougher since he would know what to avoid. Funny thing is when getting psychic hooded by BA my rolls was abysmal. BA stopped like 99% of all GK psychic powers.
Next game was against Jaeroler IG list also at 1750. Using the same GK list.
Mission: Seize gnd (3 objectives)
Deployment: Pitched battle
Grand strategy: 3 units can claim (Dreadnought, DK, purifiers)
Highlights and thoughts of Game
-GM only managed to orbital strike once which missed (as usual...) and ate a lascannon on IG turn 1.
-Stern took a melta wound, even strands of fate couldnt save him, dying instantly.
-Assassin fluffed lots of shots, only destroying 2 of a colossus weapons whole game and getting lascannon in the face.
-Purifiers provided fire support in the centre and pop 3-4 chimeras, preventing the melta vets from rushing GK objective.
-Terminators again performed brilliantly! Killed 1-2? (cant remember) 10men infantry squad, platoon command squad, taking tons of melta guns shots. A lone terminator justicar even chased off 2 squads of 10 melta vets with multi combat, preventing the IG troops from "move move move" into GK objective.
-Strike squad nv did much in this game... 1 SS was tank shocked off a vital GK objective... causing me a draw.
-psyfle dreadnought perform average again, shaking a Leman russ, wrecking a chimera, killing heavy team and weapon destroying a chimera which tank shocked a SS off GK objective.
-Nemesis DK came in from reserve on turn 5 due to some officer of fleet IG thing (forgetting I can cast psychic communion to let it come in early...) it move 6" and run 1"... to centre GK objective which no 1 was claiming (terminators beat off melta vets). It was 1" short of claiming (grand strategy) GK objective.
IG won 1:0 objective (Game end on turn 5)
I BLAME THE DICE!!! for this lost hahaha. The psyfle dreadnought managed only 2 pent on the tank shocking chimera, shaking and destroying 1 wep. The SS guarding the 1st GK objective also manage a pent on the chimera and destroyed its 2nd wep... and the SS promptly failed their LD test on 11 fleeing from tank shock... The nemesis DK ran 1"... and was 1" short (4" away) of claiming 2nd GK objective which will draw the game...
IF the dreadnought had destroyed the chimera, the 5 buggers (HQ) inside may fail their pinning and get pinned and will get shot to bits by my SS, preserving/claiming 1st GK objective. IF the nemesis DK had run 2" I would also claim the 2nd GK objective effectively winning the game hahaha