Sunday, April 28, 2013

Tau Army List Ver 1

Had been awhile since I updated this blog. Really busy with work... but still manage to get some gaming time.

Though the first model I bought was a Chaos marine with lascannon. The first army that I bought was 3rd edition Tau. Subsequently sold the army (Tau) after a few games as I had no fun with it partially due to 3rd edition rule (sweeping advance). Once anything reach my firing lines, its time to pack up. Now with a new book I am back to the "Greater good".

Puretide chip
Fusion blaster            
Plasma rifle
Shield Gen
Target lock


3 XV8 team

SGT equipment

  1. C&C node
  2. multi spec suite
  3. drone controller
  4. 2 gun drones
Normal troops equipment
  1. TL missile pod
  2. plasma rifle
2 shield drones

12 FW with SGT
SGT marker light/target lock

12 FW with SGT
SGT marker light/target lock
bonding knife

10 Pathfinders with SGT
*3 ion rifles
bonding knife
DT: Devil fish

fusion blaster

disruption pod
black sun filter
Sub munition

2 XV88

SGT equipment

  1. Default
  2. target lock
Normal equipment
  1. TL HY missile pod
  2. shield generator 
2 shield drones
bonding knife



Krom said...

That's why you should never sell your models!

Don't be lazy. AAR?

Krom said...

I'd always take out the pathfinders and anything with markerlights.

Did Defeng do that? I'm curious about the efficiency w/o markerlights. Thanks.

crazyrat said...

I think I sold them 11 years ago hahaha.

The marker lights are good especially for remove cover saves. Due to insufficient marker lights to target different units. His Leman Russ and Chimera with MoO escape death twice after pent result passing his cover saves. I will bring 2 separate squads of path finders.

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