- Necropolis Knights and Scorpion entombed.
- Necrosphinx and chariot charge shades.
- Shades flee but was caught by necrosphinx. Chariot fail charge.
- Cursed blade cast on Necrosphinx boosting the killing blow to 5s.
- SSC scatter off hydra and fail to wound.
- Everything move forward.
- DE chariot 2 fail stupid test and cant charge necrosphinx.
- Corsair charge Necrosphinx.
- Mindrazor scrolled with dispel scroll.
- Cauldron gave 5+ ward to Corsairs.
- Corsair managed to wound Necrosphinx once, sphinx dealt 3 wounds back. Corsair win by 1, animated construct no wounds taken by sphinx.
- TK chariots charge hydra 2.
- All unit that can move, move forward.
- Necropolis knights appear behind Spear elves unit 2 with lvl 4 sorcerer.
- Scorpion scatter in front of 2 DE chariots...
- Light of death went off but no wounds caused with good rolls from DE.
- SSC was on target and took 3 wounds off hydra 1.
- Shooting from archers took 4th wound from same hydra.
- Necrosphinx kill 2 corsairs and combat draw.
- TK chariots impact hits dealt 3 wounds but was wiped by hydra numerous attacks.
- 2 DE chariots charge the tomb scorpion that scatter in front of them.
- Chariot 2 charge into the necrosphinx / corsair combat.
- Everything move forward.
- Spear elves unit 2 reform to face the Necro knights.
- Pit of shades went off and kill 1 necro knight.
- Cauldron give 5+ ward to corsairs.
- 1 wound hydra (H1) flame the archers and kill 4 archers.
- Necrosphinx kill 3 corsairs, DE chariot 2 fluff. Corsairs pass break test.
- Tomb scorpion finished off by impact hits from 2 DE chariots. Chariots 3,4 overran forward.
- Necro knights charge spear elves unit 2.
- Skeleton warriors unit 1 charge Spear elves unit 1.
- Skeleton warriors unit 2 charge DE chariot 3 but DE elect to flee, redirect fail.
- Ushabti charge DE chariot 4 but DE elect to flee, redirect fail.
- Birona time warp dispelled with IF dispel.
- Light of death went off but couldn't finished off the 2 wounds hydra (H2).
- Archers took last wound off hydra 1.
- SSC scatter off hydra 2.
- Corsair and chariot 2 broke from combat with N.sphinx and sphinx caught chariot 2.
- Necro knights kill 5 spear elves, spear elves pass break test.
- Spear elves unit 1 won combat by 1 but spear champion died in challenge with tomb king.
- DE chariots 3,4 rally.
- Hydra 2 charge TK archers, stand and shoot fluff.
- Cauldron move nearer to combat in centre.
- Fleeing corsair flee 3", still in game.
- Mindrazor dispelled with a roll of 27, just beating it.
- +1 atk given to spear elves unit 1.
- Spear elves unit 2 broke from combat with necropolis knights and was chased down.
- Hydra 2 easily wipe the archers off, Hierophant took 2 wound and Liche priest took 1 from unstable.
- Spear elves unit 1 won combat by 4. Tomb king took 2 wounds from challenge with dread lord.
- Ushabtis and Skeleton warriors 2 charge spear elves unit 1.
- N.Sphinx reform to face centre combat.
- Necro knights reform to face centre combat.
- Hierophant drunk healing pot to regain the lost wounds.
- Birona time warp dispelled with IF dispel again!
- SSC misfire and couldn't fire next turn.
- Hierophant and liche priest smash by hydra (H2), SSC die to the Hierophant death effect.
- Tomb king kill by DE dreadlord in challenge. Steadfast Spear elves unit 1 pass break test.
- Both DE chariots charge skeleton warriors unit 2.
- Hydra 2 (H2) move towards casket of souls.
- 5+ ward given to spear elves unit 1.
- Without TK WS, skeleton warriors 1 suffer horrendous casualties.
- Impact hits and chariots kill quite a number of skeleton warriors in unit 2.
- Ushabtis continued to fluff to hit.
- TK lost combat and more undead crumble.
- N.Sphinx charge rear of spear elves unit 1.
- Necro knights move towards centre.
- Light of death finally kill off hydra... (dealing 6 wounds after regen saves wtf...)
- Stead fast spear elves unit 1 pass break test.
- Both DE chariot 3,4 also pass break test with general LD and BSB rerolls.
- DE chariot 3 out of combat with skeletons and charge the ushabtis.
- 5+ ward given to spear elves.
- N.sphinx and ushabti epic fluff, dealing 3 wounds total.
- Spear elves went nuts and with impact hit from DE chariot 3 and *Dread lord hitting ushabtis. TK lost combat by 9 and all crumble.
- Necropolis Knights fail charge... rolling 5,1,1...
- Light of death went off but the superior DE LD with BSB and general prevent any wounds.
- DE chariot 4 and Spear elves unit with BSB and Dreadlord charged the Necropolis knight.
- The 2 units easily wiped the Necropolis knights.