Thursday, September 15, 2011

Batrep TK vs Dwarfs 2.5K

Grudge match again!!! This time against Beardy One's Dwarfs. Actually played this game before the HE one but did not post it till now. The "grudge" had started many years back since WFB 6th edition. Its time to settle it again in 8th edition.

Mission: Blood and Glory (rolled)
Dwarf go 1st.
Dwarf fortitude: 7
TK fortitude: 6
Break point: 3


  • Miners reserved

Tomb King
  • Prince Apophas entombed

 Dwarf Turn 1

  • No move...

  • No magic... 

  • Cannon, and grudge throwers all miss or misfire. 
  • 1 Bolt thrower manage to kill 1 Necropolis knights.

Dwarf fortitude: 7
TK fortitude: 6

TK Turn 1

  • Everything that can move, move forward.

  • Magic shut down by dwarf.

  • Archers out of range. 
  • Screaming Skull catapult kill some dwarf warriors. 

Dwarf fortitude: 7
TK fortitude: 6

 Dwarf Turn 2

  • Nothing move, miners never come in.

  • Grudge thrower was on target and kill 16 skeleton warriors. 
  • Anvil of Doom and quarrelers inflict 2 wounds on Necrosphinx. Necrosphinx could not fly next turn due to anvil effect. 
  • Rest of warmachine miss or could not fire due to last turn misfire. 

Dwarf fortitude: 7
TK fortitude: 6

 TK Turn 2

  • Skeleton warriors unit 2 and chariot charge Long beard rangers in the forest. 
  • All TK units move forward except Archers and warmachines. 
  • Prince Apophas appear beside Anvil of Doom.

  • Light of death went off but did not kill any dwarfs warriors.

  • Archers fluff.
  • SSC miss and scatter.

Close combat
  • 6+ Long beards rangers died to the combine attacks from skeletons and chariots. 1 chariot took a wound. Long beards ranger broke from combat and was chased down by the two TK units.

Dwarf fortitude: 6
TK fortitude: 6

  Dwarf Turn 3

  • Miners came in behind chariots.

  • Miners charged into the rear of chariots using Anvil of Doom effect. 
  • Bolt throwers kill another necropolis knights
  • Grudge thrower 1 was on target and kill 19 skeleton warriors in unit 1. 
  • Grudge thrower 2 kill some skeleton warriors in unit 2. 
  • Cannon ball bounce short of the necropolis knights. 

Close combat
  • Dwarf Miners wiped the chariots and overran into the skeleton warriors unit 2. 

Dwarf fortitude: 6
TK fortitude: 5

 TK Turn 3

  • Necrosphinx and ushabti charged the dwarf warriors. Rolling very well for the extreme charge range.
  • Prince Apophas charge Anvil of Doom. 
  • Skeleton warriors unit 1 and NK move backwards.
  • Dwarf Miners overran into skeleton warriors unit 2 (not shown in picture)

  • TK magic shut down by dwarf...

  • Archers could not kill anything.
  • SSC could not kill any Iron breakers.

Close combat
  • Necrosphinx and Ushabtis easily broke the Dwarfs warriors and overran into the quarrelers.
  • Prince Apophas direct all attacks against the Rune Lord (dwarf general) but only inflict 1 wound, breath weapon could not wound the dwarf crews and Rune lord. Apophas received 1 wound in return. Anvil of Doom pass break test...   
  • Dwarf Miners kill lots of skeleton warriors, 5 skeleton warriors remain after unstable. 

Dwarf fortitude: 5
TK fortitude: 5

 Dwarf Turn 4

  • Iron breakers reformed to face the TK.

  • Cannon hit and wound the last necropolis knights killing the unit.

Close combat
  • Miners easily wiped the skeleton warriors out, bringing TK break point to 3.

Dwarf fortitude: 5
TK fortitude: 3

Dwarf Victory!

PRINCE APOPHAS!!! That useless prince crap had caused me this game by not killing the Rune Lord (dwarf general) or breaking the Anvil of Doom unit which would caused the general to flee off table. If prince crap had been better I would had won the game instantly in turn 3, once the Rune Lord/Anvil unit dies or flee.  

A tomb scorpion would had done better and cheaper in points. 


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