Friday, August 27, 2010

MalifauX LCB nightmare version

Received this in the mail today. Had some trouble buying this LE miniature at 1st, got to thank The Beardy One for allowing me to try his CC to purchase this, but in the end was able to purchase this in wyrd miniature web store using paypal.

This miniature currently going around for US$200 in Ebay... the retail price was US$60. Anyway I want this miniature and won't put it up for auction in Ebay to earn some quick cash.

This is a master character for the game MalifauX. I intend to use this as a daemon prince for my Daemon of Chaos army. Also after reading/listening and watching some review of the game MalifauX, I'm interested to try it if the guys in the gaming grp want to try also. Its a skirmish based game and would not cost more than S$60 to start and play. The miniatures created by Wyrd miniatures are incredible, not your usual sci-fi/fantasy type.

Visit this link to get more info and pics,

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

New purchases part 2.33441323

Maelstrom games recently gave 17.5% discount for their web orders and I could not resist the temptation.  Razorback and 2nd box of daemonettes were not in photo.

Next purchase should be the island of blood fantasy box set...

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Fantasy batrep 2250 HE VS VC + OK

With the release of 8th edition WH fantasy recently, and getting hold of the rule book, we are back to fantasy. Had a test game against Krom's HE. Due to insufficient models on my side and Beardy One bringing his ogres. We had a 2vs1 (2250) game.

Mission: Blood and glory
HE break pt: 3
HE fortitude: 6 ( I think)
OK + VC break pt: 3
OK + VC fortitude: 5 (counting only 1 army general)

Game end on HE turn 3, with victory to HE.

Highlights of the game:

-Vampire lord with frost blade in a unit of 30 grave-guards charged and caught a unit of shadow warriors, chase away a chariot and a unit of archers.
-Vampire lord on turn 3 decided to go crazy and cast "Winds of undeath" on 4 PD. Getting IF easily but HE mage had "Trickster pendant" forcing Vamp lord to roll miscast twice - A 5 and 4 was rolled and 4 was chosen. The "Dimensional cascade" down vamp lord to 1 wound and killed 18 GG... and 6 HE archers. 
-Vamp lord + GG with standard  was mass RBT to death, effectively losing the game for the evil side.

-30 horde skeletons with spears was combined charged by 2 chariots and a unit of silver helms. Losing combat by 15, the skeletons had 14 left after wounds and crumble to dust.

-Necromancer on corpse cart was charged (overrun) by a chariot, impacts hits killing the necromancer instantly who decided to stand in front to block the speeding chariot. Zombies was able to flank the chariot and combine atks from the undead destroyed the chariot. (Zombies was on steroids and dealt 2 wounds)

-29 ghouls was charged by another chariot but ghouls won combat due to numbers.

- A slave giant was charged by a chariot, head butt + thunder stomp decimate the chariot.  
-Lead blechers was sniped by RBT before getting charged and wiped out by silver helms + chariot.
-Gut magic 2D6 str 2 no ar sv spell was used on silver helms but was promptly dispelled. 

-HE fluff most of his shooting rolls as Krom's HE army was very shooty. Rolled 5 dice - 5 ones LOL.
-With only a lvl 1 wizard, there was not much magic action on HE side.

End game thoughts
-Big block of infantry FTW. 30 at least if the unit have decent armour saves. 40-50 if they have paper armour to be able to absorb the initial atks and get steadfast before help arrives/ win by CR.
-HW+ shield good for infantry blocks that have crap offensive abilities.
-Monster creatures with thunder stomp oooooo POWER! 
-The new magic system is fun fun fun LOL!!!

Looking forward to more games of fantasy and budgeting for more SHINY minis. 

Monday, August 2, 2010

I hate Painting eyes

After looking at The Ward Save painting updates. I felt inspired to update my painting progress also. Staying at home on the weekend, I decided to start painting my BA assault terminators. (Storm shield take!!! lol...)

I primed them with "Mr Hobby 1000 grey primer", then basecoated them with "Mr Hobby Super Italian Red" (no.158) all with airbrush.
After a run + dinner + shower, I started on their eyes or helmet lens. The 5 pair of lenses took me 3 hours to paint while watching Taiwanese variety show.
1st I use "Vallejo model colour park green flat" to base coat the lens. For highlight I use "Vallejo game colour Livery green". A 000 brush was used to paint the lenses.

ANGRY Terminator!!!

The base coat look very glossy now due to the nature of  "Mr Hobby Super Italian Red" (no.158)  being a gloss paint. Matt varnish will be spray over the completed terminator to lower/erase the gloss.

Click below for more WIP pics.
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