Saturday, July 24, 2010
Blog New Name + weekend 40k
Had a game with Jaeroler psyker IG list here. I was using my old BA list here.
Mission: Capture and control
Deployment: Spearhead
Victory to the traitor guards.
Jaeroler newest quote - "Death to the false Emperor, long live the Queen"
-BA had a 1 arm furioso dreadnought left on turn 7.
I think that sums up the battle hahaha, I seriously need to change my BA list to include more objectives sitters.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
I have enough marines to build both BA and BT armies, but I dont have enough vehicles for both... unless I buy more vehicles lol... (red razorback in a BT army looks wrong) Anyway will decide the colours of the vehicles later, while I assemble the marines 1st.
Here is the LE Emperor Champion I won in Ebay and just received it today.
Monday, July 12, 2010
40k battle mission 3k game
After some dice rolling, it was Blood Angels + Black Templars vs Chaos marines + IG. Emperor's finest combining to kill the traitors.
Mission: Preemptive strike
Victory to the Imperium
Imperium : Traitors
29 : 18
Here are some pictures from the game. No batrep as I was sleepy and distracted by enrgie setting up a 2nd table for another game.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Orks vs BT normal mission batrep 1.5k
Objectives of the Black Templars are
-Secure a zone for reinforcements and supplies.
-Capturing the centre administratum ruin to gather intel and gain vantage point over the orks forces.
-Recover any artifacts from a ruined manufactorum.
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