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Cool! Thanks for the info manz.
Hey i still don't know where to find the Direct Order button on the GW site haha!
If you are going to order more stuff, can count me in. I want to get 2 maybe even 3 Terrorgheist from the VC range.
Not starting VC, but just like the models lots ;)
Its on the top right corner of the GW site, you need to create an account 1st, then login just like buying from wayland. Choose UK also at the bottom right corner of the screen.
The Beardy one is going to wack his 8th edition Ogres this week once the preorder shows up on the site, so you can just sms him what you want to piggy back order.
I also wanted to get the plastic vampire dragon... but the embargo thingy make me think twice of getting it. In the end nv buy hahaha.
Cool thanks!
I think i registered as user when i was in Australia. Will check if account still active.
Nice! I'll order with Beardy one :) The plastic vamp dragon will be my new army project heehee!
Great article. Can you post this on anythingbutones too?
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