Sunday, May 30, 2010
Wargames history - Crazyrat Edition
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
WIP Death coy
9 death coy primed and ready to be painted. I throw in mephiston and a chaos marine too. (chaplain was not in picture but was primed)
Some tools I used:
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Orks vs DE (1.5k) Battle mission Batrep
Mission: Blitzkrieg
Deployment: Battle mission deployment
Objectives: 3
Friday, May 21, 2010
BA (1.75k) normal mission batrep
1st game was against Krom SW, 2nd game was against Jaeroler IG.
I was using the same list here.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Check it out and as always leave your comments:
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Speedpainting Orcs
This will help the Orc players!
Monday, May 17, 2010
Tale of 6 Armies
Based on the conversations so far we have had, it seems like I have a few people who are quite interested with our Tales of Armies!
In keeping it simple, here are the rules of the game:
- Commit 10 models from your collection to this blog - a short post will do but if you have a picture that will do as well (I do suggest signing up for Picasa to store all your pictures) []
- Attempt to complete these 10 models within 2 weeks
- Put up a photo in 2 weeks from the start date. That gives you 2 full days per model!
- Ray: Tyranids: 10 Termagants
- Sam: Blood Angels: 10 Sanguinary Guard
- Youcai: Blood Angels: 9 Death Company + 1 chaplain
- Daniel: 10 Space Marine Scouts
- Defeng: Chaos: 10 Traitor Guard
- Melvin: 10 Imperial Guard
Sunday, May 16, 2010
BA VS SW (1.75k) batrep
Saturday, May 15, 2010
BA VS IG (1.75k) batrep
I will be using this list as posted here .
Jaeroler IG list posted below in the comments.
Mission: Capture and control
Deployment: Pitched battle
Friday, May 14, 2010
Tyranid Micetic Spores
Finally the guys at Beasts of War gave a very good sample which I am penchant to use. It's got the least amount of modelling, is about the correct size and I guess you guys won't have an issue with it.
Take a peek at this link:
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Renovation Works
YC I remember you had one in the past?
Monday, May 10, 2010
Game 9th May 2010
40k Battle Mission chaos marines vs Tau
Mission: Black crusade (battle mission)
Chaos list
Daemon prince
Mark of Khorne
Terminators x5
champion + PF
combi melta x 5
chaos marines x10 x3
champ + PF x3
plasma gun x1 x3
missile x1 x3
Icon of chaos glory x3
225 x 3 = 675
Sunday, May 9, 2010
40k Battle Mission Batrep
1st game
Dark Eldar vs Blood Angels (1k)
Mission: Surprise Attack (battle mission book)
DE list
Archon 60
Punisher +20
Drugs +25
Shadow field +25
Trophy rack +5
Incubi 25 x 6
Raider +55
Plasma nades +12
--- 4KP
Wyches 12 x 10
Sucubbus +8
Agonizer +25
Plasma nades +10
Wyches weps +10
raider +55
warrior squad 8 x 10
DL x 2 +20
warrior squad 8 x 10
BA list (not exact)
5x sanguinary guard---1KP
1x sanguinary priest---2KP
1x assault sq with razorback (TL plasma, lascannon)---2KP
5x death coy with razorback (heavy flamer)---2KP
1x chaplin---2KP
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Off topic beef
Best beef I ate in my life... Words cant describe the taste and the texture of the meat. (yea, I fry them before consuming... not into raw meat here)
Off topic post.
Not related to wargaming at all hahaha :)
I'm back!!
Stuffs that arrived in April.
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